Northeastern Pennsylvania Personal Injury and Criminal Defense Blog

Summary Offenses in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Posted by Michael A. Sklarosky | Jun 29, 2023 | 0 Comments

Types of Summary Offenses in Pennsylvania

In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Summary Offenses are divided into the following categories, traffic summary offenses and non-traffic summary offenses:

Traffic Summary Offenses:  Traffic summary offenses are covered under the Motor Vehicle Code and include violations of the law such as speeding and parking illegally. In most cases, being charged with a traffic summary offense does not mean you have been charged with a crime.  Penalties for these offenses vary depending of the specific section of the motor vehicle code you are alleged to have violated, but can include a fine, points assessed against your driving record, and a license suspension. 

Non Traffic Summary Offenses:  A non-traffic summary offense is a criminal offense. These charges generally include the following: harassment, underage drinking, disorderly conduct, false identification, and public drunkenness are all non-traffic summary offenses. Citations for non-traffic summary offenses look almost identical to citations for traffic summary offenses. When you receive a non traffic summary citation in the mail, you need to know what the consequences are if you plead guilty.  

Penalties for Non-Traffic Summary Offenses

Although a summary offense is the least serious of all criminal charges in Pennsylvania, a conviction will still come with serious penalties. These may include up to 90 days in jail and a fine of $300 or more. In addition, a summary offense will also remain on your criminal record.

A criminal history may make it more difficult to obtain opportunities with employers, schools, professional licensing boards, and more.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges, call Sklarosky Law today at (570) 283-1200 or use our online contact form and tell us about your potential case. Criminal charges can have life altering ramifications. Do not wait, call us today so that we can help ensure that your rights are protected.

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